(en) Maschinen- und Anlagenbau
covers for industrial machines
Mechanical and plant engineering
Whether large or small, our thinking is user-oriented. That’s why maneuvering our larger-dimensioned protective covers is easier than you think. Selected materials such as TYVEK fully play out their advantages in the often-rough environment of industrial manufacturing.
(en) Magnetverschlussbänder
Magnetic fastening straps
Open and close the protective cover with just a few simple steps, even over a length of more than four meters: Magnetic fastening straps that have been stitched-in make this operation extremely simple.

(en) Strapazierbar

The highly tear-resistant, breathable and waterproof covers made of HDPE fleece membrane TYVEK 2462-C are the ideal solution for the industrial sector, where occasional chips fly around.
(en) Trageschlaufen
Carrying straps
With the help of lifting straps for cranes, you can easily pull the cover onto over-sized machines. Moving covers from one machine to the next is also taken care of easily – nothing could be more convenient!

(en) Leichtigkeit

The larger something is, the better it doesn’t weigh much: Putting it in place, switching machines or moving it to storage, the daily handling of this robust and equally lightweight covering is particularly easy.